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Monday, 29 April 2013

Rainforest information links

Watch this video to see how a man from the Amazon copes with his new life in New York...

This video shows members of a tribe meeting a white man for the first time!

Use this website to help you learn about deforestation and forest preservation:

This website gives you information about indigenous rainforest people:

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Rainforest information

We have been learning a lot about rainforests this term.

Please read the comments below to find out what 4KS have already learnt about rainforests.

If you have any questions for the 4KS experts, please write a comment below! Don't forget to tell us your name and where you are from.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Rainforest IPC

We had a busy first two days back after the Songkran holiday creating a beautiful rainforest display outside the year 4 classrooms.

We have started using an exciting new curriculum called IPC - the International Primary Curriculum. This curriculum is topic based, and our first topic is called Saving The World: Rainforests.

For our entry point to the topic, both classes worked very hard to create a magnificent rainforest display (see the pictures below to see how the project developed)

Please read the comments below to see what 4KS did and what they know about rainforests.

Rainforest IPC

Our rainforest project on PhotoPeach